Healthy HQ
Vegetarian & Other Healthy
Resources for Millennium 3
The third millennium heralds the Dawn of
Vegetarian Enlightenment. At present it is
estimated that between 12 - 15% of the American
population is vegetarian, and it has been
variously predicted that by the 2010s, this
number will have increased to about 25% of the
population, with the fastest growing groups
being pre-teens, teenagers and those who are
being called occasional vegetarians
This latter group haven't given up meat-eating
altogether, but now do so only on an occasional
basis, for example, perhaps once or twice a
So if you're feeling like doing a little
trumpeting of your own, wanting to get a bit more
fit, check out the following
sites to help you get started.
A real destination site for
vegetarians, animal lovers, and the
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Updated 6 June 2002
If you want a site added to this list e-mail the
URL and a brief description of the site.
Thanks for stopping by.